ATEX 3rd party certified 0081 II 1/2GD External: Ex db h IIB T4 Gb Ex h tb IIIC T135oC Db IP65 Internal: Ex h IIC T6 Ga Ex h IIIC T50oC Da LCIE 03 ATEX 6295 X
CD EX Series IECEx 3rd Party Certified External: Ex db h IIB T4 Gb Ex h tb IIIC T135°C Db IP65 Internal: Ex h IIC T6 Ga Ex h IIIC T50°C Da IECEx LCI 10.0040X
GUARANTEED for the Safe Recovery of Combustible/Conductive Dusts and Non-flammable liquids
ESD Safe Vacuum System designed to prevent Electrostatic Discharges (ESD)